Thursday, September 24, 2009

72 degrees and sunset at bk heights pier

The weather was perfect and the view was inspiring... I also had a lil photo shoot with my boy Milk from Head Mek Book blog... Pictures came out so cocaine... oh and the vanilla chocolate chunk ice cream was good while I watched the view and listen to tunes to set the mood...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Light it up

My friend PC told me he was messing around with his camera and trying out light graffiti... so i said hey let me try....... and now.... I'm addicted. I did it when everyone was tucked away in their comfy beds... snuck down stairs into the living room...set up the tripod... realized I had a bar left of battery power on the camera and went on a artistic rampage lol Others probably started with a pen light or flash light but me... no... I had to be different....I used a crack lighter... yes a crack lighter... with a 2 inch flame... So brooklyn lol (KIDS DONT TRY THIS AT HOME). And it was glorious. Dangerous you say... well thats my middle name. After a couple of failed attempts of trying to make a Pheonix around me... (phi till I die) I used a flash light and made other patterns... And those came out kinda cool... check em out.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey blogging world

Hi my name is LeVar and this is my first of many blogs. It took me awhile to get a name but I didn't.
So look out for my pictures, photo shoots, and the many things that interest me. So sit back relax and enjoy the ride.